Important Updates on Atlantis Wallet Address and Coin Deposit
01-04-2022 07:18:12

To all Atlantis-registered members and cryptocurrency holders:

1) When you need to make a deposit to your Atlantis Wallet, you need to go to the "Deposit" page, for instance, https://trade.atlantiscex.com/deposit/USDT, and click the button of "Generate Address" for a specific coin first, which will be your UNIQUE and PERMANENT Atlantis wallet address to receive deposit of that coin.

2) Your Atlantis Wallet addresses for AC, BNB, ETH, USDC, USDT, and all other ERC-20 and BEP-20 coins / tokens may be the same. In case you see the same wallet address for different coins in your Atlantis Wallet, they are right addresses to properly receive and store your coins.

3) In the event that your Atlantis Wallet addresses for AC, BNB, ETH, USDC, USDT, and all other ERC-20 and BEP-20 coins / tokens start from "0x0x…", they are WRONG. You need to clear your web browser's cache and history and refresh your wallet page, and your RIGHT Atlantis Wallet address for AC, BNB, ETH, USDC, USDT, and all other ERC-20 and BEP-20 coins / tokens will be displayed in your wallet which shall all start from "0x…".

4) After you have your UNIQUE and PERMANENT Atlantis wallet address generated for a coin, each time when you make a deposit, please select the right blockchain network for your coin. Only the fund in exactly the same network will be properly received. Any wrong network may cause fund loss, which is usually non-recoverable at all.

5) After you have made your fund transfer from an external wallet for a coin, you need to click the button of "Click Here to Deposit" on your Deposit Page of your Wallet. Then paste your coin's Transaction ID number ("Txn Hash") and click "Submit" button.

As soon as your fund is confirmed by Atlantis Wallet, you are all set and ready for trading.