📣 Notice for American Coin (AC) Holders: Conversion to AC 3.0 Required 🔔
01-16-2024 12:17:49

Exciting News! American Coin 3.0 ($AC) is now live on the Atlantis Launchpad!

To safeguard the interests of the valued 2,000,000+ AC holders after the closure of Hotbit Exchange in summer 2023, AC's smart contracts have been upgraded to Version 3.0.

Key Updates:

1⃣ New Contract Address: 0x91874fE5b18d7973FE18c02271b9fD5AE087EA2F

2⃣ Technical Standards: ERC-20 and BEP-20.

3⃣ Total Supply: Now at 2.1 billion AC (previously 50 trillion AC).

4⃣ Trading Status: Stay tuned for an announcement within 3 days.

5⃣ Current Trading Pairs: Scheduled for termination in several days.

6⃣ Conversion Rate: 10000:1.

📆 Action Required by January 19, 2024:

To ensure a smooth transition, we encourage all existing AC holders to convert each old token to the latest AC 3.0 version at: https://atlantiscex.com/ieo

🚀 More listings on different exchanges will follow.

Thank you for your unwavering support!
